SAP Business One powered by SAP HANA over standard Microsoft SQL database versions of SAP Business One and focuses on areas of enhancement and new features related to SAP Business One powered by SAP HANA.
“SAP developed (an) in-memory database platform that at its core it uses innovative techniques to store your data that is particularly suited for handling very large amounts of relational, data with unprecedented performance.”
SAP Business One powered by SAP HANA (now available for versions 8.82 and 9.0) contains enhancements and additions meant to support the growing needs of the small and medium enterprise companies. So, why should you upgrade or purchase SAP Business One HANA?
SAP Business One powered by SAP HANA was developed with two purposes. For existing SAP Business One installations, using Microsoft SQL as their primary database, SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA (dubbed B1A) allows these companies take advantage of the speed and performance of SAP HANA as their underlying database for reporting functions like Interactive Analysis and Crystal Dashboards (see below), as well as Enterprise Search.
For new and upgrading customers looking for additional speed and performance, as well as features and functionality only possible in high-performance environments, SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA (dubbed B1H) is the right solution. Like B1A, the in-memory technology of the HANA database environment in B1H provides superior performance as well as a host of new features. While SAP continues to introduce new features for this more scalable platform, new features have already been introduced into B1H that are not available in SAP Business One running on Microsoft SQL Server and some unavailable in B1A. Those features include, but are not limited to:
Available to Promise Check
This new feature offers real-time inventory transparency on a daily basis. Inventory is dynamically aggregated, whether promised, on-demand or on-hand without pre-calculation. These features allow customer service to dynamically adjust commitments for important orders and customers.
Delivery Schedule Management
Users can now view existing Sales Orders in a dynamic drag-and-drop console, which allows them to repurpose quantities from existing orders. Now, planners can split quantities from a single order and spread them out into multiple deliveries, or push quantities from one order to another in order to satisfy urgent requirements.
Cash Flow Forecast
SAP has provided a dynamic environment that will instantly update Cash Flow projections based on selection criteria like specific marketing documents or security (assuredness) of transactions. This system will automatically aggregate all relevant business activities in real-time, allowing users to drill down through transactions.
Dashboard Designer
In addition to four new out-of-the-box dashboards, SAP Business One HANA B1H embeds the Crystal Dashboard Designer into every installation. SAP has delivered pre-defined semantic layers to enable rapid content development based on dimensions and measures, and allows users to attach these interactive widgets to their related document types for display when navigating to those screens.
Interactive Analysis
SAP leveraged these same semantic layers within a Microsoft Excel / Pivot-based reporting solution, embedded in B1A and B1H. Areas like: Aging, Cost Centers, Profit & Loss, Liquidity, Budgeting, Sales Opportunity, Sales Revenue and Inventory Turnover have pre-defined semantic layers. In addition, users can develop their own as well. Simply open the Interactive Analysis Tab in the left or top menu structure of SAP Business One HANA B1A or B1H and begin drilling into data cubes, or define a data structure and develop and publish your own data cubes.
Enterprise Search
This new search technology mimics that of the most popular search engines from the web, and provides a full 32-key text search. Users can apply dynamic filters and drill-down, while still adhering to the data security policies designed by your system administrators and implementers.
Mobile Applications
Dubbed “Extreme Apps,” functions like the Enterprise Search, Pervasive Analytics, Cash Flow Forecast, Available to Promise and Delivery Scheduling have been added to the existing SAP Mobile App that is included in with every B1H license.
While SAP AG© strives to merge these two products during the 2013 /2014 enhancement schedule, users can begin to take advantage of the advanced performance of SAP HANA and many of the features of B1H (in reporting) immediately in their environment or move to a new world of features, functionality and data visibility in the new SAP Business One HANA B1H.